Talent Strategy

Attract people with careers, and train people with platforms

Tiantong regards honest and responsible employees who love their jobs as the company's greatest wealth. Adhere to the principles of fairness, justice and openness, emphasize the principle of being promising, having a position, and benefiting, and Tiantong respects knowledge and respects talents, but talents who have meritorious achievements without relocation.

Shape people with development and motivate people with mechanisms

Adhere to the people-oriented, employ people's strengths, stimulate personal potential, fully empower the authorization, the company needs to open the way in every mountain, build bridges in the water, narrow roads meet the brave to win, with the spirit of the sword wolf team, the pursuit of employee personality, bold change and innovation and the company's sustainable and steady development of the interaction and unity.

Talent Strategy
Benefits Chairman Speech
  • 五险一金

  • 周末双休

  • 学历津贴

  • 带薪年假 

  • 人才公寓 

  • 班车接送

  • 节假日福利

  • 定期培训 

The world will not bear the slightest responsibility as to whether an enterprise will exist or not. Neither will the society provide you with flowers and applause both tomorrow and the day after because of your success today. If you want a long and continuous existence, the key issue is whether you can find a personal living style full of hardcore competence. Therefore, TDG will carry on the spirit of humanism, establish the idea of human oriented scientific development, cultivate the characteristic hardcore competence of TDG enterprise, and promote its speedy healthy development. Looking back at the development history of TDG, yesterday is compelling. If we waste no efforts to make best use of the present, today is full of vitality. Looking forward to the future, it will be more brilliant.

Investor Relations

Investor Relations



Official Mall

Official Mall