Application Field

Magnetic flux world

Hearts connect to all things

Application Field
Electronic Materials Chairman Speech

The world will not bear the slightest responsibility as to whether an enterprise will exist or not. Neither will the society provide you with flowers and applause both tomorrow and the day after because of your success today. If you want a long and continuous existence, the key issue is whether you can find a personal living style full of hardcore competence. Therefore, TDG will carry on the spirit of humanism, establish the idea of human oriented scientific development, cultivate the characteristic hardcore competence of TDG enterprise, and promote its speedy healthy development. Looking back at the development history of TDG, yesterday is compelling. If we waste no efforts to make best use of the present, today is full of vitality. Looking forward to the future, it will be more brilliant.

Intelligent Equipment

Investor Relations

Investor Relations



Official Mall

Official Mall